A legal blog on private funds, startups, and venture capital.
A legal blog on private funds, startups, and venture capital.
Tag Technology

What Do Startups Need to Know About Data Privacy Law?

Thoughts on the Apple iPhone Encryption Case
Last week, US Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym ordered Apple to assist the FBI in unlocking an Apple iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the terrorists in December’s San Bernardino mass shooting. This story and its resulting controversies have…

The Pitfalls of Moonlighting in a Day Job for Startup Founders
Many, if not most, founders have difficulty affording to work full-time for their startup right from the start. But working a day job while moonlighting at your venture presents some particularly dicey legal issues that can cause issues down the line.…
Court’s Invalidation of Zappos.com’s Arbitration Provision Offers Lessons for Company Websites
Late last year, the United States District Court of Nevada handed down a ruling that has significant consequences for companies engaged in commerce on the internet.[1] In the case, customers of online retailer Zappos.com sued the company seeking damages resulting…